The Logfather
The Logfather
The Logfather
The Logfather was the most experienced axe man in all the land. He was responsible for making sure all the villages had what they needed for wood at any given time. He could cut down trees faster than anyone else. His strength was unmatched as he came from the descendants of giant men and women who were slowly dying off, leaving him one of the bill remaining giants in all the land. He lives off of a steady diet of maple syrup and pumpkins but also indulges in the occasional fine bourbon when he does finally get to rest. No one dare touch the Logfather as he is said to bring balance to both good and evil some day, but no one knows just quite how…
This Logfather blend is packed full of Sugared Maple, Maple/Pumpkin Bourbon, butterscotch and hints of white oak. It is an addicting smell that will remind you of eating at your grandmas on those chilly fall mornings. It’s truly a nostalgia trip you don’t want to miss.
Always test before use!
Comes in our premium Limited Borage Blend
candles and wax melts also available
Even though this is a fall edition scent it can definitely be used all year long. What an amazing scent.
This is my top fall scent so far! Yes I know it’s early but this is one is that good! Scent on this lasted about 9-10 hours definitely need this on in you fall rotation!
If you love maple and bonfires then look no further. Logfather is that “my moms making breakfast on a crisp fall morning” smell your looking for. Pick this trio up so you can get all their amazing products and treat your beard real nice! The parfum is just a bonus!!